Monday, August 28, 2006

Sharepoint 2007 missing "Save site as template"

While i was experimenting with my first site, i wanted to save this as template and have not found this functionality on the Beta Version, but i found that you can navigate the page _layouts/savetmpl.aspx while you are on your site and you ll can generate a template.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sharepoint 2007 experience

I went on trying to build a worflow for a Document library but when i could not write a valid approver. I tried writing it, using the users dialog, but when i lost focus on the textbox, it always was blanked. So i canceled the process when to the document lirary and started again with the workflow build. Then it worked fine. (?)

Sharepoint 2007 workflows problem

I tried to make my first workflow on Sharepoint 2007 but after some steps i got the next error:

"The form cannot be displayed because session state is not available."

but it can be solved modyfing the web.config file, uncommenting the line where you can read:

add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/