Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Reapplying a template to a Sharepoint Site

I needed to reapply a template to a site previously created, but is seems that it is not possible.
At Sharepoint , i created a site applying a template, but then the template changed, and i needed to apply it to the site.

Unfortunately you cannot apply a template to a site once it is created, as far as I know. However what you can do is apply a theme to a site once it has been created. I would suggest using that route or dropping and recreating all of the sites with the new template. Sorry the answer isn't a nice friendly one.

You can find this info at

Reapplying a template

Monday, May 16, 2005

Translating DataViewWebPart Titles to another language

Translating a DataView WebPart to another language.

Today i needed to modify a template i have.
It did not seem to be difficult because i must take a template and translate words to spanish.
But when i needed to modify the titles of a webpart called DataView with FronPage it did not give any possibility so as to do it.
The problem began when i modified , to spanish, the Fields Name but the fields titles on the grid remained on English.
So that i carefully found where was the fieldtitle attribute on the webpart and modified it to a spanish word.

I realized to do that , previously going to the Insert/Database/Data View Menu at FrontPage and inserting a new DataViewWebPart with the previous translated fields.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Sql database comparison tool

That is just help to my memory, when i am trying to search a tool so as to compare two Microsoft® SQL Server© databases.

Apex SQL Diff is a server based, high speed database comparison tool that will analyze the differences in tables, procedures, views, users etc between two Microsoft® SQL Server© databases in seconds.

It can be found here:

Apex Sql Diff

Monday, May 02, 2005

Multiple filters on a SQL WHERE clause

Sometimes I had to develop a report or a something to show data, but previously the user‘d have the possibility to apply multiple filters so as so view the info that wants to be found.

As ever I designed the User Interface with the filters then passed the filters through the different layers and finally, they came to a stored procedure that makes the query.

It returns the data and that’s all.

Several times I heard some colleagues telling that they must show data applying multiple filters and they finally at the stored procedure did not find another way to make the query than building a string and then executing it with the EXEC sql Command or making several SELECT sentences.

I published an article about applying several filters on on a SQL WHERE clause

You can find it at